2010年1月24日 星期日



介詞置於名詞(含動名詞、名詞子句)或代名詞之前,表示該名詞與句子間的時空關係,屬無語形變化詞(Indeclinable),別於名詞、代名詞、動詞、形容詞之有語形變化(declinable)。照理應極易瞭解,然事實並非如此,由於每個介詞均有其約定成俗用法,譬如在藍燈字典(Random House Unabridged Dictionary)中,「On」有49項,「In」有34項,「Of」有17項,「At」有19項。

由於各介詞用法不一,造成初學者極大困擾,例如:「蜂在髮上(a bee in your hair)」介詞用「In」,但如果說「蜂在臂上(a bee on your arm)」則用「On」。還有,上下計程車、自用車及小船「get in(to) the taxi, car, boat」及「out of the taxi, car, boat 」,但上下公共汽車、火車、飛機及大船「get on the bus, train, plane, ship.」及「off the taxi, car, boat 」,對錯並無定規,只能熟記才不會犯錯。


He walked toward the fence.

He sat by the fence.

He placed an apple on the fence.

He jumped over the fence.

He ran through the fence.

還有,across、over、under、above、for、against等等。但back與away非屬介詞,因為我們通常說:「behind the fence」非「back the fence」,說:「off the fence」非「away the fence」。


「She went down the path, over the fence and across the filed.」與「She went up the path, under the fence and around the filed.」語義完全相反。


「Don’t walk behind me.

I may not lead you.

Don’t walk in front of me.

I may not follow you.

Walk beside me, and be my friend」

上述的behind, beside 屬介詞,而in front of屬介詞片語。

他又說,某一天,在街道上,碰到一位身材窃窕,膚色白晢,面目姣好,穿著緊身短褲的妙齡女子「smile at him」,他也「smile back 」。女郎向他問路,問完後又透露剛由台北南下,想租房子長期定居高雄。神父聞之,古道熱腸個性油然而生,心想「move on」,原已「walk away」又轉身,身旁湊巧有一店家鏡子,一瞧鏡中自己,老態畢露,何德何能,妙齡女郎怎麼可能會看得上,了然後又心不甘情不願「turn away」。神父說除「smile at him」係介詞外,其餘因無受詞均非介詞。


「Where are you from?」或「Where do you come from?」(兩者均表示出身何處?)

或「Where did you come from?」(表示由何處來?)以及「What are you waiting for?」等。

由此可知,介詞應否擺放在句尾,並不重要;重點是句子是否表達簡潔優美。聽聞,邱吉爾(Winston Churchill)曾寫過如下句子:「This is the sort of English up with which I will not put.」反諷句子不能放在句尾之荒謬。

介詞可以放於句子的任何位置,也可與動詞、形容詞、或名詞連用,變成介詞片語。如「due to」就是所謂的介詞片語(prepositional phrase),它表示「原因」和「owing to」或「because of」的中文意義相同,自十四世紀就有文獻使用記載。然不少人反對把「due to」置於句首,因為「due」屬形容詞,所以應該把「Due to the bad weather, the flight was cancelled.」改成「The flight was cancelled due to the bad weather」,或以「Owing to the bad weather, the flight was cancelled.」代替。

二十幾年前剛進公司時,閱讀到大多數電文均把「due to」置於句首,甚感怪異,後來深入瞭解,才曉得它早已被當成複合介詞(compound preposition),廣泛地使用於口語與寫作中。

介詞的用法,可謂罄竹難書,囿於篇幅,只能搔及皮毛。它仿若烹飪中的調味品,太少則乏味,太多則五味雜成,原味盡失。林肯的蓋茲堡演講:「In the beginning, God created heaven and earth, men and women… and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.」之「of the people, by the people, for the people」,三個介詞的使用,簡潔鏗鏘有力,可算經典之作,令人回味不已。

